Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maybe I should blog more?

Hey everyone! EFY was stupendous! I thoroughly enjoyed myself, I only wish I had more time to blog, the unfortunate thing was that when I had time I didn't have internet. Oh well, After Vegas I went to Fresno and Nauvoo. I simply had a blast. Since EFY I have been around, just getting things done and going to school. I am taking a major course load since I need more units to maintain a scholarship I was awarded by the chemistry department over the summer. But I have Intermediate Portuguese, Technical Writing for Chemists, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry (going over quantum mechanics and atomic structure) and its Lab, and Doctrine and Covenants. All good stuff, I currently am working as CHEM 106 recitation leader and still as an Athletic tutor. For now all is well and I need to get to school.


Diane Conn said...

when you add apples to oranges you get fruit salad.

Naazju said...

In response to your question: Yes. You should.

But I'm sure we still forgive you. :)