Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I passed!

Well, hey I just got the email yesterday and I passed my Utah state practical exam for EMT-B certification. I have a written test scheduled for May 1 so I should be full fledged EMTing soon after that. Thanks to everyone that helped me practice for my exam:)


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Good luck on the American Heritage final as well!

Naazju said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Naazju said...

Congratulations EMT Hammari. :)

[In case you're wondering why a comment was deleted, it's because I can't spell. Even though I proof-read. But hey, that's what staying up until 3 am does to a person.]

Diane Conn said...

fo sizzile!

Pam said...

You Rock! Granted, you passed a while ago, and I already knew you passed... I just felt the need to subtly tell you I have a blog too, and what better way than through a comment to one of my favorite cousins ever? Congrats again!